Color Analysis

Find Your Best Colors in 3 Easy Steps

  • Click or Tap the photo that is closest to your Hair color
  • Then, do the same for your Eye color, and Skin color
  • Submit Your Results
PLEASE NOTE: We have found that it’s helpful to have a friend or family member sit with you to help you select the options closest to your current coloring to get the most accurate results. Sometimes we see ourselves differently than how we appear. Please base your answers on your coloring as it appears today.

What's Your Hair Color?

Click or Tap the photo of your hair color category; blonde, black, brown, red, or gray.
(the color your hair is now)

Natural blonde hair is rare and is found in only 2 percent of the world's population.


People with black hair have a vast range of skin colors, from the palest of light to dark.


Brunettes are associated with having a more even skin tone.


Red heads typically have fair skin, lighter eye colors, freckles, and a sensitivity to light.


At some point in our life, cells in the base of the hair's follicles slow, and eventually stop producing pigment.


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