Online Classes

capsule wardrobe

The Closet Outfit Planner

The Closet Outfit Planner shows you, step by step, what to wear and how to wear it so you can be stylish and relevant. The creative guide shows you 27 pieces with possible pairings, photos, and an outfit combinations checklist (remember Garanimals?!) giving you over 150 outfit options. And it will show you the exact colors you need for your specific Color Code based on the trend colors for the current season.

best outfit planner by color And guess what?
Shopping links are provided
, so you can just click and purchase without ever leaving your home or office. All sizes, budgets and stores are included, along with pieces for the different body shapes and clothing personality styles! 

Every color was carefully chosen for each Color Code from the Pantone trend colors for the current season (Spring/Summer 2023). The clothing items are comfortable, elegant and on trend. I’m so glad you’re here, and can’t wait to hear how you like this new way of outfit planning made simple.

What you'll get:

  • 27 suggested wardrobe items for this season - by Color Code
  • Closet Inventory Checklist so you can shop your closet first
  • 30 Possible Pairings of Outfits with photos of clothing pieces including accessory ideas
  • Outfits Made Simple Chart with over 150 options for the 27 pieces (exciting, right?!)
  • Shopping Links for items in a selection of price points, stores, and sizes
  • 22 page high quality color printable PDF document for easy reference throughout the season

Checkout the Planner

capsule wardrobe

Color Code Academy 'LIVE'

Become a Certified Color Consultant!

Interactive, LIVE, virtual 2-day training with Shari Braendel. Join Shari as she explains the theory of color analysis in women's fashion and illustrates how to identify and classify color characteristics in this Color Code certification course.

This training is for those who are passionate about helping women and men look their best and realize that color is the foundation of any successful style, makeup, image or salon business.
Derived from seasonal color analysis, the Color Code System is the simplest and most efficient way for image consultants and stylists to provide color consulting to clients.

  • professional instruction
  • color theory
  • identifying color codes
  • practice sessions
  • color harmony and dimensions
  • perception and psychology of color
  • Color Code Certification upon completion
Special Bonus

Learn to build a wardrobe around each Color Code using the 27 Hanger capsule wardrobe system.

More Information

online classes for fashion

Shari Braendel

"Personal style trumps the trends every time!

Uncover the basic guidelines (because there are some!) so when you step into your closet, you'll know exactly what to wear."

Shari Braendel, professional image consultant